總之,我贊同從“雙性人”到 性發展障礙 DSD 的轉變,不是作為一種失敗或信心的簡單姿態,而是作為一種方式來影響對雙性人進行病理化並同時進行合作的醫療模式的逐步改革,以建立與尋求根除這種傳統的激進障礙社運人士和理論家。 From "Intersex" to "DSD": Toward a Queer Disability Politics of Gender by Emi Koyama, Intersex Initiative Below is the keynote speech presented at Translating Identity conference held at University of Vermont in February 2006. Today I'd like to talk about the new term DSD, or disorders of sex development, that is now being promoted as the replacement for the word "intersex." There several reasons that this is happening, but the fact is that it will happen, so I wanted to talk about what that would mean, and how I think about it. I'll go into disability theory also, because more and more disability politics is becoming important in intersex organizing. And since I'm talking about gender, disability and intersex, some of what I will say would be relevant to the controversy over the DSM-IV category of gender identity disorder, whic...